Hart Street update


The new traffic pattern on Hart Street should be in place by the end of the day today.

Crews have been reconfiguring the street from 15th to Veteran’s Drive into a Road Diet where there are three lanes of travel instead of 4.

Two lanes in each direction and a turn lane.  Bike lanes are also part of the change.

The night time closures on the stretch of road are complete and all of the asphalt is down in that section.

Pavement marking layout was completed Thursday and the final markings will be placed during the day today.

Last night crews started milling the next section of Hart Street from Kimmell Road to the city limits just past Bauer Drive and the road had to be closed there.

Tonight crews will pave the lanes.

Hart Street will remain open for the remainder of the night time paving while crews only close the lanes they are working on.

Officials say milling and paving will continue next week.