CISMA holding nature days on Saturday


The Knox County Cooperative Invasive Species Management Area (CISMA) is hosting its annual Nature Days event Saturday

CISMA is a local, non-profit organization dedicated to minimizing the impact of invasive species in the region

It will be at the Southwest Purdue Ag Center from 9 to 2.

It’s a free event focusing on the theme of “Protecting Knox County’s Biodiversity” and feature a variety of educational sessions and activities.

Speakers include Ben Burke, Knox County Natural Resource Specialist,  Valerie Clingerman, the Knox County Extension Director and Agriculture and Natural Resources Educator, Ellen Jacquart of the Indiana Native Plant Society, and Will Drews, a Nursery Inspector and Compliance Officer with the Indiana Department of Natural Resources Division of Entomology and Plant Pathology.

In addition to the educational sessions, the event will include a tour of nearby woods for an invasive species removal demonstration, as well as a native plant sale and door prizes.

Lunch will also be provided, but registration is required.

To register for the Knox County CISMA Nature Days event, visit or contact Dan Egel at