Shelter Still Caring for Hoarding Dogs


The Vincennes Animal Shelter continues to care for dogs rescued from a hoarding situation in Wayne County, Illinois. Since taking in 22 dogs last month, the shelter has placed 15 in rescues and adopted out three. Four dogs remain at the shelter, all heartworm positive and still in need of socialization before they can be adopted.

Shelter Director Leah Reagan says many of the rescued dogs were fearful and withdrawn when they arrived.  “They have not been socialized. They’re not used to being around people. So they would kind of huddle in the corner of their kennels and tremble. We’ve tried to get them out and around people. We’ve had volunteers and staff sitting, trying to socialize them, and just trying to work with them to provide comfort and let them know that, you know, we’re here to take care of them,” Reagan said.

Four of the dogs from the hoarding case were pregnant when rescued. Three have since given birth, with some puppies arriving prematurely due to stress. Shelter staff are working to ensure the puppies are properly socialized before they are old enough to be spayed, neutered, and adopted.

The shelter is accepting donations to help cover heartworm treatment for the remaining dogs and encourages the public to visit and assist with socialization efforts.

The shelter is open Monday through Saturday from  9 a.m. to 4 p.m.