Cheaper grocery prices expected


Hoosiers can expect to see some cheaper grocery prices ahead of this year’s Fourth of July.

The Indiana Farm Bureau’s annual summer cookout market basket survey measures the prices of “summertime staples” — including hamburgers, lemonade and potato salad.

Todd Davis is the Chief Economist for the Indiana Farm Bureau.

Davis adds the prices of ground beef and pork chops have gone up, but says this is due to weather conditions and financial losses, respectively.

Janis Highley is a vice president with I-N-F-B and a farmer.  She says farmers only receive about 15 cents of every retail food dollar, which can be financially difficult for those in the industry.

Despite this, Highley says she is hopeful as a farmer, and hopeful for the American consumer.

Davis adds he is encouraged by lower prices and inflation over the past year.