County Council approves solar project delay


The Knox County Council has signed off on a request from Arevon Energy.

The company is developing a solar farm in southern Knox County known as the RATTS 2 or Blue Jeans Solar Project.

Arevon Director of Development, Nikki Jeffers, addressed the Council Tuesday night, as she did the county commissioner last week asking for a two year extension of an economic development agreement with the county.

She again explained that the extension request is because of issues with tariffs and supply chain demand which has delayed the start of construction.

Jeffers also explained that Hoosier Energy is no longer the company’s off-taker for the project and Arevon is back out on the market looking for a new a new buyer of their solar product.

She also says Arevon has put out a request for proposals with different engineering, procurement and construction contractors, also known as EPCs , to build the project.

The council approved the request which pushes back the start of construction for the project to 2026.

Jeffers say they are planning to have a dinner this fall with landowners involved in the project but a date for that has not been set.