The Blazer provides multiple ways to win throughout the year. Our regular contests consist of the following:
Quizpresso! Each weekday at 7:40 a.m. on the Blazer Morning Brew. Solve the daily Caffeine Conundrum for bragging rights and a Blazer Prize pack!
Bill Bobe’s Pizzeria in Vincennes sponsors the Morning Scramble. At 8:40 a.m. (ET) each weekday, during the Blazer Morning Brew, we scramble the letters from a word and ask listeners to unscramble the puzzle to win an order of Breadsticks. Each daily winner is included in our weekly drawing for a free 10-inch pizza donated by Bill Bobe’s Pizzeria.
Bill Bobe’s Pizzeria sponsors the Mystery Clip Contest during the Midday Cafe’. At 11:15 am, a “mystery clip” from a TV show, movie, or song is played. Daily winners receive an order of breadsticks and also have a chance to win the weekly prize of a free 10″ pizza donated by Bill Bobe’s Pizzeria.
The Blazer Pop Quiz is part of the Midday Cafe’ at 12:15 pm weekdays. If you are the first person to text the correct answer to the studio and have not won in the past 30 days, you will win a Blazer Prize pack donated by Sunsational Tans. Our daily winner will win a certificate for a free tan.
All Blazer contest certificates are mailed and winners must provide a valid mailing address at the time of the contest. All applicable Blazer Contest Rules* apply unless otherwise indicated.